Dousing with a Pendulum

A few people have asked me about the use of a pendulum for dousing.  Recently, in a previous blog, I wrote about how I use a pendulum to ascertain whether a vitamin / mineral is appropriate for me, or whether unlabeled produce is organic.

A pendulum, as many of us know, is just another form of dousing.  Muscle testing is another one.  See photo of pendulum on my previous blog to understand that a pendulum is simply a weight suspended on some sort of string.  To use a pendulum, you simply hold it from your fingers and then say or think whatever it is you want to find out about.  Ask the pendulum what a “yes” looks like and what a “no” looks like so you can get accurate answers when you ask your questions.

For many people, if you hold a pendulum and then say something that resonates true with your subconscious, the pendulum will rotate clockwise.  Let’s say you’re a woman and make the statement, “I am a man,” while holding the pendulum, there’s a good chance it will rotate counter clockwise.  Whereas, the reverse is true.  Say, “I’m a woman” and most likely you’ll get a clockwise rotation.  Your pendulum could also answer questions by moving from north to south or east to west.  Sometimes, I draw intersecting lines on a piece of paper.  I indicate north / south and east / west on the paper and watch the pendulum swing in one of those directions.  It’s a visual enhancer. Another pointer, drink some water before dousing as the electrical energy more easily moves through your body when hydrated.  This is also true for muscle testing.

There are many types of pendulums available.  Some of them are made of different crystals, some metal or wood.  You can even use your key ring as an ad-hoc pendulum if you don’t have one with you.  You would need to practice a bit to become proficient and get consistently clear results.  As pendulums can be influenced by energy other than your own, it’s suggested you don’t allow other people to use your pendulum.  I keep my pendulum in a cloth container.

Dousing, when done correctly, can really enhance your psychic abilities because you begin to trust the subconscious and your connection to higher aspects of yourself.

Getting Valuable Information By Dousing with a Pendulum

I find myself worrying when shopping in a food store such as Whole Foods and still not knowing what I’m getting because of the grey area of genetically modified foods.  I tend to rely on the farmer’s markets where I can see labels of organic produce, or I can ask the farmers how the food was grown.  But, there are certainly those days when I make a run to Whole Foods for convenience sake.  Lately, I’ve been using my pendulum to ascertain whether a food I’m suspicious of, is actually genetically modified.  We know a good portion of potatoes, corn and soy are.  Even some beets are modified.  I just heard that all pineapples from Hawaii are GM.  But what about so many of the other products we depend on?

PendulumSome of you might be thinking, “a pendulum”?  That’s weird, and it probably looks strange to passers-by.  But, who cares, let them wonder.  I’m at least engaging in an exercise for my health.  So what does a pendulum do?  First of all, it harnesses the power of your subconscious mind.  It gives you the information on what your subconscious mind thinks is good for you.  You can use a pendulum to douse questions concerning foods, supplements – even the products you use in your home.

It’s one way of tapping in to your body’s truth.  Dousing with a pendulum may not be 100% accurate because your subconscious may be carrying a genetic memory of a time when you were extremely ill and a relative brought you cabbage soup, which seemed to cure you.  Therefore, now you’re an advocate of cabbage.  Remember, we have cellular memory and not only from this life.

What I’m suggesting is keep it simple.  Use a pendulum to find out what’s toxic to your body, ie. genetically modified food.  Ask the pendulum if your body needs a certain food on that particular day or if  the detergent you wish to buy contains chemicals which would be adverse to you.

Should you wish to know about how to use a pendulum, please comment on this site and I’ll be happy to give you a step by step description.