Attaining Prosperity and Abundance

Attaining Prosperity and Abundance is available from

Attaining Prosperity and Abundance

Do you want more financial freedom? Of course you do. That was a rhetorical question. Are you willing to put a little effort into attaining prosperity? I hope so, because having been a teacher for the past 18 years in several school systems in the US and Great Britain, I never made much money. Though I was rewarded on an emotional and spiritual level, it finally dawned on me that all my good work for a job well done would not pay for my mortgage, my desire to travel or buy the expensive shoes I longed for.

It was time to do something about it. So I hit the books on creating wealth, watched all the videos, and attended workshops regarding the spiritual laws of success, and the practice and principles of the Law of Attraction. I took copious notes, studied, and used all the information that resonated for me, and some that didn’t. I experimented.

After finding success in bringing more prosperity into my life in a amazingly short time, I realized I could help others by synthesizing and organizing the methods that worked for me. If I can do it, you can too!

There is one thing I’ll tell you before you begin — you must have the will — almost a passion for changing your financial situation. If you’re with me so far, here is what I’m offering in “Attaining Prosperity and Abundance.”

* How your childhood influences have shaped your financial situation, and some ways to help you reprogram your negative thoughts into positive ones

* How to determine what your particular financial blueprint is, and self-correct it

* How to adapt your way of thinking and attitude about money

* Using spiritual principles and the Law of Attraction to create more abundance

* How your inner world reflects your outer world

* How your negative thoughts keep you in a holding pattern and what to do about it

If you’re willing to use discipline in learning some easy-to-follow techniques to guide you along your path to abundance, then this book is for you. I am delighted to share the principles with you and wish you an enriching life on all levels.

3 thoughts on “Attaining Prosperity and Abundance

  1. Pingback: Assumptions and What to do About Them | The Voyager Journey

  2. Pingback: Thoughts As Energy | The Voyager Journey

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