Free Will

Isn’t free will great?  We can choose what set of ideas and beliefs we want to experience in our reality. We can decide which ones limit us the most, and which lessons we need to learn. That would be the ideal way to change our lives – the awareness that we can use our free will, and a little creativity to alter our circumstances.  Do we choose to take the path that is littered with obstacles, and often failure, or choose the path most freeing to us emotionally and spiritually? It is always our free will choice to change our circumstances for the better.

If you want to believe everything in life is random, nothing means anything, and therefore life means nothing, then by all means choose the road to unhappiness and defeat. But, on the other hand, if you understand there is a God Source consciousness field which is eternal, and ultimately we come from there and go back there, we are making our lives meaningful, and empowering ourselves through this understanding, and because of  this, we are  making more elevated choices. Our choices can then have a very beneficial ripple effect on others.

Life is a reflection of our own beliefs and points of view. Our beliefs shape our experience – we are free to shape our experience anyway we want. If you think you are unlucky or accident prone, and things are out of control, you will be plagued by misfortune.  Is it really bad luck, or are you just living out your beliefs? It’s your free will choice to change the outcome, and understand we are not the victim of circumstance, but captain of our own ship.

If We Plant an Avocado, Then What?

I’ve been blogging periodically about the idea that all our experiences have led us to believe certain things about ourselves. Whether they are positive or negative, true or false, is not the issue. However, if we accept them as true, they are. If we repeat our limitations long enough and vigorously enough, we’ll own them. Even if our beliefs are totally off the wall and irrational, if we accept them, that’s what our life will be about – case in point – radical, religious fanatics of all varieties. You can draw your own conclusions about that one.

Once we accept an idea as true, there is nothing that can stop it and the universe will provide it for us with all its nasty consequences. There is nothing we can do to thwart the cause and effect of ill-conceived beliefs and attitudes, except to change our mind. As an example, if we are consistently giving our thoughts over to lack and limitation, as many of us are in today’s erratic economy, and we have accepted this idea about ourselves, then the universe will “kick in” to reward us with debt and economic hardship.

If we plant an avocado seed, then we’ll get an avocado. This avocado won’t change its mind to become a turnip. The universe will give you what you believe as long as you keep planting the seed.




 ADD or Awareness, Deletion, Distortion

Our perception of reality is based on three sources. Perhaps you’ll agree. The acronym is ADD!  Awareness,deletion and distortion.

Awareness is defined as what we have been exposed to or programmed with from our outer and inner worlds. Deletion can be explained by those parts of reality we have not experienced or just are not aware of. And, distortion is the filter through which we see our personal reality. We might as well have a heavy curtain come down on us as we filter out all but the most limited view of the world. Distortions and deletions influence our awareness of reality.

 Can you modify your awareness?  Well sure.  At least I think so. We can do it through making conscious choices even when our world seems to go pear shaped and events are forced upon us.  We probably look at things differently after the death of someone close to us, the ending of a partnership or when we lose a job or business. These situations get our attention and cause us to change our thinking and/or beliefs.

We can certainly experience less pain or trauma if we can makes the necessary adjustments in our perception of the problem and understand they are points of growth. If we fight or repress the emotions attached to a serious situation, it is an opportunity that is lost to us because our purpose here, aside from expressing love and appreciation, is to handle difficult situations with strength and dignity. In this way, we literally become masters  of our lives and are not just submitting to it.  No matter how difficult a situation is, there is always the other side or complimentary opposite. We therefore need to accept what our current reality is and make the best of it by being motivated to change.